It All Works Out in the End…
“God is going to get you to exactly where He wants you to be, with exactly what He wants you to have, exactly when He wants you to be there.”
My preacher says this often and, although sometimes when we’re in the midst of tough times it’s hard to believe, it’s certainly true. If you need to steal it like I did and put it on your bathroom mirror, go for it!
I think about my own journey up until this very moment and it definitely isn’t as I imagined it would be. In my head, it was supposed to be a straight path—and it certainly hasn’t been that. A lot of things have worked out, but still a lot of other things haven’t. That’s the difference in our plan and God’s plan. And it’s a reminder that this isn’t the end.
Sometimes life throws us curve balls. That curve ball may be a lower than desired score on the MCAT, a rejected medical school application, or being let down by someone you care about. Regardless of the source, curve balls come to us all. It’s what you do with them and how much you let them affect you, that matters. I know, it’s easy to lose ourselves in self-doubt and self-pity for a period sometimes, but don’t let anything keep you down for too long. Remember, you’ll end up exactly where you’re supposed to be. Have faith and see it through.
**I know, today’s post is shorter and more to-the-point than usual. But I wrote it because I think it’s an important point to make. It helped me to write it, I hope it helps you to read it. If you’re feeling down or stuck, take a moment to re-group and center yourself. Please don’t ever let any circumstance, person, or situation make you lose hope.
You’ve got this!

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