Dr. Anderson
Hi pre-med friends!
My name is Brittney Anderson. I’m a family medicine physician and also have a university faculty appointment. As much as I enjoy practicing medicine and seeing patients, I also love teaching medical students and residents and am extremely passionate about increasing diversity in medicine, particularly increasing the number of Black physicians and improving this unfortunate and significant shortage. I firmly believe that doing so will contribute to the overall improved health of this country’s Black population.
I was a first generation college student and, like so many pre-med students, I did not have a personal connection with a physician who looked like me and could give me relatable advice about being pre-med and the medical school application process. By the grace of God and the support of family and friends along the way, as well as some trial and error, I made it and have charged myself with being a resource for pre-med students who follow me. I’ve spent a lot of time personally mentoring Black pre-med students and I have found that often we just don’t have all of the information and tips needed to be strong applicants to medical school. Lately, I have wondered how I could reach more pre-med students on their journey…and so Melanin Mentor, MD was born! I’ve had the opportunity to participate in the admission process of reviewing applications and interviewing candidates applying to medical school, residency, and post-residency fellowships. So I feel prepared to take on this task and I look forward to sharing advice with you.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey. Feel free to shoot me an email or leave your comments on any of the posts.